Special Issues
A Special Issue is an issue that consists of articles that focuses on topics of increasing interest which are within the scope of the journal.
Special Issue should not be confused with regular issue. A Special Issue is an additional issue other than the regular one which has a set frequency of release. The regular issues are often broad-based whereas the Special Issues are on topics of emerging areas or a recent advance in the field that are within the areas that the journal covers.
The Editorial Board appoints a single Editor to take care of the Special Issue. It is handled by one of the Editors or by Guest Editor with a specific and suitable title within the scope of the respective journal.
The Special Issue aims at improving and exploring most persuasive dimensions related to science.
Approval of Special Issues –The Editorial Board appoints a single editor to take care of the Special Issue known as the Guest Editor. Any of the Editorial Board members can volunteer to work as a Guest Editor or this person can be appointed from outside as well. The Special Issue aims at improving and exploring most persuasive dimensions related to science. The editorial board of the journal is requested to raise a Special Issue, once approved by the members of the board; the Special Issue is coined.
Handling Special Issue – Once the Editorial Board accepts the Special Issue, the corresponding guest editor takes charge from there onwards. The respective guest editor is responsible for stating the contribution of the Special Issue in the improvement of the journals. Once the entire process of a Special Issue has been addressed, a section within the website is provided by the Editorial Board for addressing a Special Issue.
A Special Issue is handled in the following ways:-
- Development of Concept – The Editor-in-Chief invites the Editorial Board members to develop a concept. A suitable topic is proposed which will lay the foundation for the Special Issue. However, the Special Issue has to be within the knowledge and expertise of the Editorial Board members. The issue should also be in line with the scope and the aims of the journal.
- Proposal Creation – Once the Special Issue is initiated and the topic is decided, the Editorial Board needs to appoint a Guest Editor who will be responsible for handling the Special Issue. The corresponding guest editor outlines the aims and the scope of the Special Issue. The Guest Editor handles the submitted manuscripts and also takes care of the peer review process.
- Validating the Proposal – After submitting the proposal, the Editorial Board along with the Editorial Managing Team needs to work for the validation process. During this process, the Editorial Managing Team and the Editorial Board members work together to improve the proposal.
- Approval –After validating the proposal, it is sent to the Editor-in-chief for final approval. Once the Editor-in-chief is convinced that the proposed Special Issue is matching the relevance of the journals, it will be approved. After the approval, the Special Issue is coined and uploaded in the section of ‘Special Issue’ on the website.
After the final approval, the Guest Editor with the help of the Editorial Managing Team starts the “Call for Papers” for the Special Issue.

Journal Information
Journal Name : Series of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Journal Short Name : Series Endo Diab Met.
Journal Code : #JSEDM
ISSN : 2768-413X
Impact Factor : 1.6
Cite Score : 2.300
DOI Prefix : 10.54178/jsedm
Editor-in-Chief : Dr Clayton Dehn
Frequency : Thrice in a year
Publication Model : Open Access
Peer Review Model : Double Blind
Acceptance Rate : 24%
APC : $2400