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Series of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism features findings, analysis and research related to all fields of endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism. The journal is an open-access publication addressing the global health concerns related to Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, Monogenic Diabetes, Gestational Diabetes, Cystic Fibrosis-related diabetes and a lot more. The journal is not restricted to endocrinology and diabetes only; it also covers relevant open-access journal articles related to Genetic Physiology, Metabolic Disorders and Cardiovascular Diseases. This journal covers any articles related to Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism. Researchers can look for information related to:

  • Diabetes Causes – Diabetes generally occurs when the blood sugar of a human being rises. To know more about the causes of diabetes, please check our archive page.
  • Diabetes Insulin Pump – Diabetes insulin pumps are prescribed by the physicians to keep the blood sugar of the patient under control. You will get more related articles on our journal page.
  • Diets for Diabetes – A diabetes patient needs to check the diet properly. There has to be a strict chart to maintain the health of a diabetes patient. The articles related to diabetes published under Series of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism will help you to gather more knowledge about the same.
  • Inhalable Insulin – Insulin in powdered form is called Inhalable Insulin which is delivered into the lungs with the help of an inhaler where it is absorbed.
  • Diabetes Management – Diabetes Management is controlling Diabetes. The aim is to restore carbohydrate metabolism in normal conditions, as far as possible. In order to achieve this goal, people with complete depletion of insulin need insulin replacement therapy, which is given through injection or insulin pumps.
  • Diabetes and Heart Disease – A diabetes patient is more prone to developing Heart Disease. Patients suffering from Diabetes can protect their hearts by managing their blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. Most importantly, diabetes patients must immediately take steps to stop smoking. 

The journal covers more articles related to Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism. This scientific journal is extremely beneficial for research scholars who want to be well-informed about the advancements related to endocrinology and diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

All the journals available on the website of SeriesScience are approved by experienced editors. Each submitted manuscript goes through the peer-review process and is approved by acclaimed scientists. 

We welcome direct submissions from prospective authors. You can submit your manuscript online or can attach your manuscript and send us an e-mail.

From Editor's Desk

SeriesScience International focuses on bridging the gap between diabetes practitioners and the scientific research works by acting as a source of information which enhances their understanding of the management and complications of diabetes. We take pride in presenting only the authentic information to research scholars, clinicians and the complete world of Science and Medicine. Our editorial team takes special care to scrutinize each manuscript submitted by an author.

Series of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism includes studies related to Diabetic ketoacidosis or DKA, Lipohypertrophy, Gestational Diabetes, Diabetes Medicine, Pancreas and everything related to symptoms and causes of Diabetes. It explains all the possible reasons a person can end up being a Diabetes patient and remedies to control the same.

Series of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism has come into existence after much research by well-known experts. The aim of this journal is to cover current research topics in the field of Endocrinology and Diabetes. You can explore our peer-reviewed articles to gather knowledge about Endocrinology and other associated fields. The scholars can take the help of our open-access journal to read, download and use the articles to know about the latest updates and research works in the field of Diabetes.

The scholars, researchers and clinicians from low-income countries who cannot afford to read the latest research published in the field of Endocrinology can take the help of our platform to gather knowledge. Our open-access journals are an initiative to enhance scientific awareness at no cost.


endocrinology, biological, systemic and radiotherapies, cancer endocrinology, endocrine glands and hormones, tumors of the gonads and adrenal and pituitary glands, hormone regulated gene expression, clinical endocrinology, structure and physiochemical properties, clinical medicine, malignancies arising from cells of the endocrine system, paediatric endocrinology, endocrine disease, endocrine tumors, clinical endocrinology, genetics, hormone therapy, endocrine pharmacology, pediatrics, thyroid, molecular endocrinology, neuroendocrine, carcinoid, thyroid, parathyroid and islet cell tumors, adrenal, pituitary, gastrointestinal and neuroendocrinology, parathyroid, testis, ovary, estrogen, testosterone, reproductive endocrinology, comparative endocrinology, corticosteroids, growth hormone, cardiovascular endocrinology, evidence-based treatment guidelines, prolactin, vitamin D, osteoporosis; diabetes, diabetic, diabetology, diabetic medicine, non-insulin and insulin dependent diabetes, diabetic complications, psychology and diabetes, obesity, obese, therapeutics, diabetes diet, T2DM, diabetes management, post-treatment management, dietary exercise, endocrine disease, endocrine dysfunction, hormonal receptors signalling mechanisms, clinical diabetes, pancreas, oral anti-hypoglycaemic agents, insulin deficiency, nutrition, beta cells, hormone metabolism, metabolic disease, metabolism, metabolic syndrome, lipid metabolism, bone and mineral metabolism, drug metabolism, metabolic disorders, patient care, prediabetes, juvenile diabetes, blood sugar, insulin analogs, insulin receptor, diabetic foot, glucose tolerance test, congenital diabetes, melatonin, biomarkers and translational research, epidemiology, risk and prevention, endocrinology of aging, systems endocrinology, domestic animal endocrinology, animal endocrinology and medicine research, principles of treatment of endocrine disease in animals, cardiovascular diabetology, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, gastrointestinal oncology, .

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Journal Information

Journal Name : Series of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Journal Short Name : Series Endo Diab Met.
Journal Code : #JSEDM
ISSN : 2768-413X
Impact Factor : 1.6
Cite Score : 2.300
DOI Prefix : 10.54178/jsedm
Editor-in-Chief : Dr Clayton Dehn
Frequency : Thrice in a year
Publication Model : Open Access
Peer Review Model : Double Blind
Acceptance Rate : 24%
APC :  $2400

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