Johnston PJ. Standards of care received by people with diabetes who undergo orthopaedic surgical procedures. Series Endo Diab Met. 2022;4(1):12-36.
Supplementary File
Over the past ten years there have been guidelines that have been produced regarding the management of individuals with diabetes undergoing a surgical procedure. This clinical audit will be focusing on the area of orthopaedics and the standards of care received by individuals with diabetes. The audit examined retrospectively; the care received in a large acute NHS trust with a sample of 78 adult individuals with diabetes. Ten audit criteria were reviewed and evaluated and compared to the guidance that is currently available nationally. Both emergency and elective procedures were assessed to see if there were any variances in the management of individuals with diabetes. On review of the results, a number of recommendations will be put forward to the trust with regards to changes that should be implemented to enhance patient care.
Article DOI: 10.54178/jsedmv4i1002