Volume 3, Issue 2 | JSEDM
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Youngwanichsetha S. Intermittent fasting: can it reduce insulin resistance, improve insulin sensitivity, prevent diabetes and metabolic health problems. Series Endo Diab Met. 2021;3(2):E1-E2.
Article DOI: 10.54178/jsedmv3i2006
Baldini C. Low-carb/high-fat/fried-food diet: the surprising effects in triglycerides, lipid profile, and glycemia in a patient with a metabolic syndrome. Series Endo Diab Met. 2021;3(2):69-74.
Supplementary File We continuously underestimate the eating process: food and cooking methods play a pivotal role in our health. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA), more than 117 million American adults have one or more preventable chronic diseases, many of which are related to poor quality eating patterns and physical inactivity. Despite the usual belief about fat in the diet, it has shown that fat has a uniquely positive effect on blood lipid concentrations and cardiovascular risk factors. A low-carb/high-fat/fried-food (LCHFFF) diet has shown to be one of the best natural treatments in lipid profile and glycemia in a patient with metabolic syndrome.
Article DOI: 10.54178/jsedmv3i2005
Mercado-Asis LB, Lorenzo-Redoblado ZG. Cardiovascular adverse outcomes as challenges on glycemic variability among patients with type 2 diabetes on intensive insulin therapy: the role of medical nutrition therapy with automatic snacking. Series Endo Diab Met. 2021;3(2):59-68.
The glycemic variability (GV) is the fluctuation of the blood glucose (BG) in relation to the daily mean BG or mean glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c). BG oscillations can be influenced by the type of food and timing of intake, activity, psychological condition (fear of hypoglycemia), and systemic hormonal cross-talking between insulin and glucagon. Pharmacologically, these BG oscillations can be affected by the regulators of insulin secretion like sulfonylurea and insulin. The increase in GV with very high and very low BG excursions has been associated with the development of macrovascular and microvascular complications among type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) patients. Increased mortality has been demonstrated in the past among elderly patients on intensive insulin therapy due to severe hypoglycemia. Prompt intake of glucose has obviously compromised glycemic control and worsens the GV. Automatic snacking (AS) as a part of medical nutrition therapy (MNT) is the provision of snacks 2 h after meals which are taken even in the absence of hunger. This review will showcase our published papers among patients with type 2 DM where AS was instituted to obtain long-term glycemic control and prevent the occurrence of fatal postprandial hypoglycemia. Although, further research is needed, AS is a promising dietary management to address GV in type 2 DM patients on intensive insulin therapy.
Article DOI: 10.54178/jsedmv3i2004
Patients’ Preferences’ Impact on Decision Making for Clinical Solitary Thyroid Nodule in a Global Healthcare Setting: A Clinical Study
Bashir AY*, El-Zaheri MM, Obed AH, Abufares F, Haddadin M, Annab HZ, Abu Hijleh MO, Bashir MA and Bashir AA
Bashir AY, El-Zaheri MM, Obed AH, et al. Patients’ preferences impact on decision-making for clinical solitary thyroid nodule in a global healthcare setting: a clinical study. Series Endo Diab Met. 2021;3(2):48-58.
Objective: Evaluation of patients' preferences (PP) impact on decision-making for solitary thyroid nodule management.
Study Design: A retrospective review of prospectively collected data in patients with clinical solitary nodules admitted for thyroid surgery. PP survey in various management strategies included determinants of surgery, fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), frozen section (FS), and PP for total thyroidectomy (TT) or total lobectomy (TL) compared to guidelines concordance.
Results: Thyroid surgery was performed for 558 patients, 75.8% were females and 43.7% were international. FNAC was done in 79.8% and refused by 20.2% due to the misperception that it spreads cancer. The risk of malignancy was the reason for choosing surgery in 35.1%. FS was preferred by 87% of the patients for decision-making (TT vs TL) in our setting with available pathology resources and low FS cost. FS based decisions were more guideline-concordant (79%) with TT performed in 41% patients compared to 74.4% in PP based decisions alone (P < 0.001). 57.9% of the patients preferred surgeon authorization for decision-making when FS was unavailable. Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) occurred in 85.3%. FS diagnosed PTC in 79% of the patients with malignant nodules in inconclusive FNACs (Bethesda I, III, IV, and V).
Conclusion: Decisions (TT vs TL) based on PP and beliefs compared to FS based decisions were less guideline-concordant (21% vs 79%) with more TT performed (74.4% vs 41%) (P < 0.001). Advancing patients’ knowledge on their disease, guidelines, and equipoise awareness is needed for better-shared decision-making.
Article DOI: 10.54178/jsedmv3i2003
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Bhattacharya AK, Rana K, Singh S, et al. Multiple drugs and health consequences in diabetes mellitus type II. Series Endo Diab Met. 2021;3(2):39-47.
Aim and Objective: To find the association between polypharmacy and health consequences in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).
Materials and Methods: 50 patients with multiple drugs (two or more) and morbidity, glycemic control, macrovascular complications, hospitalization, gastrointestinal disorders, cost of medicine were studied. History, physical examination, relevant investigation, and consequences of drugs were also studied.
Results: Male to female: 32:18; average age: 44 years. Findings were: hyperglycemia is seen in 34 patients, hypoglycemia in 2, retinopathy in 10, coronary artery disease (CAD) by electrocardiogram (ECG) and 2D echo in 12, old myocardial infarction in 3, renal function test abnormality in 6, stroke in 2, hypertension in 15, dyslipidemia in 13, hypothyroidism in 3, and hospitalization due to any of the above in 5.
Conclusion: Diabetes, a metabolic disorder, due to chronicity leads to macrovascular and microvascular complications which in turn are compelled to increase the number of medications due to uncontrolled hyperglycemia. More than two-third of patients in our study showed uncontrolled hyperglycemia. Diabetes has multiple sites and mechanisms of altered physiological and pathological processes. It is practical to have the requirement of more than two drugs when blood sugar in diabetes is not controlled. Also, it is obvious that the simultaneous use of more than one drug-having different mechanism of action appears to have an impact on treatments to control hyperglycemia. Sometimes, multiple drugs/therapy may give rise to undesirable side effects and it may be due to drug-drug or disease drug interaction. Furthermore, the activity of multiple targets by multiple drugs requires additional study. Multiple drugs in diabetes were seen more in males with geriatric age groups. Main reasons being comorbidities, which may be the main cause of morbidity and mortality, especially CAD, heart failure and diabetic cardiomyopathy. There is an indirect relationship between the glycemic control and the development and progression of clinical manifestations of comorbidities. Various comorbid diseases in diabetes require concomitant medications, that increases pill burden. Tailoring medical therapies to the patient’s biological characteristics may help to optimize disease treatment, thereby improving overall prognosis and decreasing comorbidities’ risk. Appropriate exercise and diet may reduce hyperglycemia with reduction in pill burden.
Article DOI: 10.54178/jsedmv3i2002
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Halder S, Samajdar S, Mahato AK. Cognitive status in COVID-19 survivors with metabolic syndrome. Series Endo Diab Met. 2021;3(2):33-38.
In the current COVID-19 pandemic, co-morbid metabolic syndromes are identified as important risk factors. The presence of metabolic syndrome not only increases mortality rate and probability of hospitalization but is also predicted to have a long-term impact on cognition. A decline in cognitive functioning and functional abilities can be seen in the COVID-19 survivors and it became accelerated by metabolic syndromes that include hypertension, diabetes mellitus, low HDL cholesterol, abdominal obesity, etc. In the present study, it was aimed to explore the cognitive status in COVID-19 survivors with and without metabolic syndrome. For this purpose, total 36 COVID-19 survivors participated who were divided into two groups, one with existing metabolic syndrome and the other without any significant co-morbidities. Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Brief Cognitive Rating Scale (BCRS) were administered to assess the cognitive status of the participants. Results suggest a significant difference between the groups in the domains of concentration and memory along with functioning and self-care.
Article DOI: 10.54178/jsedmv3i1004