Series of Medical science
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Sadr S, Charbgoo A, Borji H, et al. Interactions between innate immunity system and Echinococcus granulosus: permission for vaccine development. Series Med Sci. 2022;3(1):1-18.
The tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus causes a destructive zoonotic disease named cystic echinococcosis (CE), a crucial global issue for the public health sector. Nowadays, human hydatid disease is a worldwide challenge, and it is considered a recurrent disease in locations where it was formerly at low rates. Significant attempts and studies have been put into controlling and preventing the transmission of E. granulosus from dogs to humans, but the outcome is not considerable. An outstanding trait of the intermediate host-parasite relation is the host's protective immunity against infection by the oncosphere phase of taeniid cestodes. Due to this noble trait, we can develop different approaches to control hydatid disease through livestock vaccination. Moreover, the cestode isolates are barely distinguished, and due to a lack of knowledge about reaction mechanisms, their effect on innate immunity is not entirely tested. Yet, issues related to these topics regarding the purification of immunostimulatory molecules, their side effects, and their action on parasites remain struggles that need to be discussed. This review discusses multiple facts challenging autoimmune and immune responses guarding E. granulosus against suppression to reduce intense host damage.
Article DOI: 10.54178/2771-0629.2022a1
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Halder S, Samajdar S. Association between immunity and cognitive status in COVID-19 survivors: an exploratory study. Series Med Sci. 2021;2(1):37-42.
COVID-19 pandemic is being intolerable and unbearable for every individual across the world. The risk factors are well presented which could increase the chances of being infected. Individuals with co-morbid health conditions and low immunity are found to be vulnerable factors to the disease severity and suffering. Cognitive decline is highly associated with the pathogenesis of the virus and it increases the chance for individuals who have a co-morbid illness. In the present study, a total of 35 COVID-19 survivors of both sexes were selected, where all were assessed for immunity and cognitive status. The purpose was to explore the cognitive functioning of COVID-19 survivors in relation to immune response and co-morbid physical illness conditions. Results suggest a significant difference in cognitive functioning among subjects with and without co-morbid conditions. Further, it was found that immune status among COVID -19 survivors determines the cognitive impairment.
Article DOI: 10.54178/2771-0629.2021a4
Mesole SB, Ibegbu AO, Musa SA, et al. Immunohistochemical effect of eugenol on hippocampal (CA1) neuronal cells following aluminium chloride induced neurotoxicity in Wistar rats. Series Med Sci. 2021;2(1):4-17.
The metal aluminium (Al) is a well-documented neurotoxin and has been known to exacerbate excitotoxicity within the human nervous system. This present research is aimed and intended at assessing the neuroprotective effect of eugenol (EG) against the toxic effects of aluminium chloride (AlCl3) in vivo using Wistar rats as a study model. 20 adult Wistar rats were randomly assorted or divided into 4 groups, and each group contains 5 animals. This study was conducted for a duration of 21 days. On day 22 (24 h after the last administration), rats were compassionately sacrificed with 0.8 mg/kg ketamine as anaesthesia. Thereafter brain tissue was removed for immunohistochemistry and various biochemical estimations which included antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), intra-mitochondrial accumulation of 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), pro/anti-apoptotic proteins Bax, Bcl-2 and caspase-3, endogenous enzymatic activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), immunohistochemistry of acetylcholine using acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase-1 (ACAT-1) within the cornu Ammonis-1 (CA1) region of the hippocampus and cognitive ability using novel object recognition test (NOR). Result obtained revealed a significant (p < 0.05) increase in the activity of antioxidant enzymes, a reduction in pro-apoptotic protein levels upon oral administration of EG. The results obtained show EG as a promising prospect with regards to neurotoxicity as a result of aluminium chloride (AC) toxicity.
Article DOI: 10.54178/2771-0629.2021a3
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Mishra SK. Severe hypertension during pregnancy: considerations for preventive measures by health care providers. Series Med Sci. 2021;2(1):18-36.
Medical professionals advocate that getting good health care before, during, and after pregnancy (which occurs when a sperm fertilizes an egg after it is released from the ovary during ovulation) is very important. This practice can help baby grow and develop sound physical and mental health during later stages of their life. Further, it is equally important to ensure that pregnant women are not subjected to hypertension situations. Furthermore, severe hypertension (defined as severely elevated blood pressure) can be risky from reproductive health (RH) point of view. However, pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) is common among pregnant women in many countries, especially in regions characterized by acute poverty and resulting malnutrition situations. It has been reported that the PIH, a form of high blood pressure (BP) in pregnancy, occurs, on an average, in about 7–10% of all pregnancies. It has also been found that many women are confronted with another type of high BP: chronic hypertension, a medical condition, wherein high BP prevails before pregnancy begins. These situations make it significant that the issue of severe hypertension during pregnancy is addressed adequately. It is in this context that the present research paper has been authored, wherein attempts have been made to investigate into strategic interventions that health care providers need to envisage, while treating pregnant women with severe hypertension conditions. This forms the specific objective of this research. With regards to general objectives, this review paper will briefly (a) address the important considerations in management of hypertension during pregnancy, and (b) discuss the future directions in this field. In terms of research mythology employed here, the author has collected secondary data from sources, such as books, book chapters, journal articles, government publications, as well as publications (and policy documents) brought out by the inter-governmental organizations. Data sources are quoted under reference section of the research. Data used are largely ‘qualitative’ in nature. Method of data analysis is ‘descriptive’. It involves desk-based research, as various research reports and other documents (including policy review reports) on subject areas related to hypertension during pregnancy have been studied by the author in order to derive conclusions and key findings (in accordance with objectives). This paper concludes that health care providers should ensure that women with chronic hypertension undergo a pre-pregnancy evaluation, with a focus on medication profile.
Article DOI: 10.54178/2771-0629.2021a2
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Engin MMN. Treatment by pressure on relevant acupuncture points in a child patient with nausea and vomiting due to motion sickness (travel sickness). Series Med Sci. 2021;2(1):1-3.
Motion sickness is a very common disturbance of the inner ear. It is a complex syndrome that includes many features besides nausea and vomiting. In this case report, a patient who applied to our Pediatrics Polyclinic due to intractable nausea and vomiting due to motion sickness and whose complaints regressed after compression on the relevant acupuncture points will be presented.
Article DOI: 10.54178/2771-0629.2021a1
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Bhuyan KC. Discriminating Bangladeshi adults by level of blood pressure. Series Med Sci. 2020;1(1):6-16.
The objective of the present work was to discriminate Bangladeshi adults of 18 years and above according to their blood pressure level and to identify some factors responsible for discrimination. Accordingly, the analysis was done utilizing the data collected from 960 adults of both urban and rural areas. The respondents were investigated by some doctors and nurses from and nearby their working places. During investigation, the blood pressure (mmHg) of the respondents were recorded. It was observed that 45.4% adults had optimal blood pressure. The percentages of normal, high normal and hypertensive adults were 39.5, 9.4 and 5.7, respectively. High normal and hypertension was more likely among urban, non-Muslim, female, single, aged, illiterate, physically inactive, involved in sedentary activities, obese subjects. Adults of lower income group of families and higher expenditure group of families were also more exposed to the problem of higher blood pressure. The problem was more likely in smokers, restaurant and can food consumers. Age, utilization of time, and accustomed with can food were the most responsible factors in discriminating the adults of different groups. The other responsible variables were gender variation, level of education and body mass index (BMI).
Article DOI: 10.54178/2771-0629.2020a2
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Al-Mosawi AJ. Clinical and radiologic diagnosis of a patient with Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome. Series Med Sci. 2020;1(1):1-5.
Background: Diagnosis of rare diseases or disorders is understandably challenging because it is unfeasible for practicing physicians to make themselves familiar with hundreds of rare diseases. The diagnosis of rare inherited metabolic syndromes such as mucopolysaccharidoses is additionally complicated by the lack of confirmatory sophisticated laboratory tests in many areas of the world. In the more developed countries, the diagnosis of mucopolysaccharidoses depends on urine tests for excessive mucopolysaccharides and enzyme assays. However, these tests are not easily accessible in countries like Iraq, and the diagnosis has to rely on clinical and radiological findings.
Case Report: The clinical and radiologic diagnosis of an Iraqi patient with Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome is described. The clinical diagnosis of the girl with early-onset mucopolysaccharidosis and the abnormalities were recognizable before the age of two. The clinical and radiologic diagnosis was Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome because of the absence of mental retardation and the presence of hepatosplenomegaly.
Conclusion: Clinical diagnosis of rare metabolic syndromes like mucopolysaccharidoses requires magnificent clinical skills and huge experience because of the similarity between various types of mucopolysaccharidoses.
Article DOI: 10.54178/2771-0629.2020a1