Case Report
Full TextPDF Heart failure is a clinical syndrome that is easily treated with medications and lifestyle interventions, however, failure to comply with treatment leads to poor clinical outcomes, repeated hospitalizations, complications, worsening of the disease, an increase in health care costs even death. Adherence of patients with heart failure to treatment is one of the main goals of daily clinical practice. This paper presents a case of a male patient suffering from heart failure indicating a low level of adherence to medical instructions, particularly to the attendance of a rehabilitation program.
Research Article
Full TextPDF Background: The purpose of this research is to study the effect of occupational therapy on the quality of life and pain self-efficacy among chronic disease patients. In this context, differences in quality of life and pain self-efficacy were investigated between patients who have followed occupational therapy and patients who have not followed the program of occupational therapy. Methods: The sample consists of 63 people, all chronic disease patients. Of the above patients, according to the research design, half received occupational therapy services at a rate of 50.8% (32 patients), while the remaining 49.2% (31 patients) did not receive them. For the data collection MVQOLI-15 and PSEQ were used. Results: We found that those receiving occupational therapy services, on average, seem to have comparatively better pain self-efficacy and overall quality of life compared to those not receiving them, while this difference is statistically significant, with the level of statistical significance amounting to α = 5%. Conclusion: The effect of occupational therapy on quality of life and pain self-efficacy in chronic disease patients is crucial.